
Kenny Torrella

Thu Jan 23, 2025 5:00 p.m.—6:00 p.m.
Kenny Torrella

The Media, Factory Farming, and the Planet: Reporting on a Hidden Industry



William L. Harkness Hall, WLH Room 116
100 Wall Street

About the Speakers

Kenny Torrella is a senior reporter for Vox’s Future Perfect section, with a focus on animal welfare and the future of meat. Prior to joining Vox, he worked in communications and public policy at animal welfare nonprofits, and his writing has appeared in Fortune, Conscious Company, GreenBiz, and the Independent. He’s written extensively about agriculture’s effect on climate change, and last year, his reporting was honored by the National Press Club.

Co-sponsored by the Plant Forward Yalies, Yale Effective Altruism, Law Environment & Animals Program at Yale Law School, Yale Student Environmental Coalition, and the Yale Sustainable Food Program.